The Office of Major Events plans Syracuse University’s major public and private events with various departments across campus, and often involve the participation of the Chancellor and President, and the Vice Chancellor and Provost. Two annual events of this nature are the Chancellor’s Convocation for New Students and Commencement Weekend events.
Other events planned by this office include: the University Lecture series, Advancement and External Affairs initiatives, installations of academic deans, groundbreakings and dedications of new buildings and acquisitions, recognitions of visiting dignitaries, honors of outstanding faculty and students, and celebrations involving ceremony and protocol.
For example, we can tailor stage plots and seating layouts for events whenever necessary and on a case-by-case basis. These custom documents are not adaptable to all event inquiries.
The Onondaga Nation acknowledgement is to be used to open university-wide, public events hosted by Syracuse University to acknowledge our deep connection and respect for the Haudenosaunee people.
I would like to acknowledge with respect the Onondaga Nation, firekeepers of the Haudenosaunee, the indigenous peoples on whose ancestral lands Syracuse University now stands.
- Onondaga [a-nun-daw-guh]
- Haudenosaunee [ho-dee-noo-shoo-nee]